Results for 'Ugo Lo Bosco'

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    La fenomenologia dell'essere.Ugo Lo Bosco - 1990 - Poggibonsi: Lalli.
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    Essere ed esistenza.Ugo Lo Bosco - 1991 - Poggibonsi: Lalli editore.
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    David Hume and a Treatise of human nature.Maryellen Lo Bosco - 2016 - New York: Britannica Educational Publishing.
    The Scottish philosopher David Hume had a major influence on the Founding Fathers. While Hume was friends with Benjamin Franklin (who stayed at Humes home on one of his visits to Edinburgh), his real influence came from the fact that his works were widely read and passionately discussed in what would become the United States. Chapters include a biography of the affable Scot, a discussion of the philosophical schools that he is most associated with, an in-depth examination of his seminal (...)
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    Francis Bacon.Maryellen Lo Bosco - 2017 - New York: Rosen Publishing.
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    La Ontología de Roman Ingarden Acerca de Los Objetos Temporales: Análisis y Proyecciones.Mario Cuneo Bosco - 2013 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 69:83-98.
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    Lo stato moderno e la costituzione.Ugo Menegazzi - 1945 - Milano,: Edizioni Allegranza.
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  7. Lo spazio dell'economia in una società politicamente ordenata.Ugo Marchese - 1996 - Filosofia Oggi 19 (73):159-188.
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  8. Lo stato etico..Ugo Redanò - 1927 - Firenze,: Vallecchi.
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    Minorías de choque y poder político.Bosco Parra - 2002 - Polis 3.
    El autor recupera el planteamiento de Jacques Maritain respecto de la presencia que deben tener en la teoría democrática los pequeños grupos dinámicos libremente organizados, o “minoría de choque” que desatan luchas de emancipación y materializan su crítica, a través de una acción práctica, movimientista y asambleísta, orientada al autogobierno. Analiza el artículo su legitimidad en las condiciones actuales del neoliberalismo y la globalización.
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    La política de la discrepancia radical.Bosco Parra - 2001 - Polis 1.
    A partir de la afirmación de que el capitalismo prosigue su expansión, el autor se pregunta cómo llevar a cabo una lucha anticapitalista en esas condiciones. Rescata que éste fue el contexto de los primeros socialistas, pre-marxistas o utópicos, y que esta radicalidad anticapitalista se encuentra hoy en la protesta ecologista. Introduce el concepto de "discrepancia radical" con el derroche capitalista, que amenaza para la vida de la especie humana y de la naturaleza. Acude el autor en su tesis al (...)
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    Nuovi documenti galileiani degli Archivi del Sant'Ufficio e dell'Indice.Ugo Baldini & Leen Spruit - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
    Studies on the 1616 and 1633 actions brought against Galilei by the Index and the Inquisition generally presumed that part of the documentation was still to be unveiled. This assumption was frequently accompanied by the hypothesis that some available documents were forgeries, merely composed to justify the 1633 condemnation. New documents from the Archive of the Roman Inquisition, including a censure of Saggiatore, official acts concerning the public dissemination of the verdict, and applications for permission to read Galilei¹s works, show (...)
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    Religions in antiquity.Ugo Bianchi - 2014 - Milano: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Lorenzo Bianchi.
    Questo primo volume degli "Scritti di Ugo Bianchi" - "Religions in Antiquity" - raccoglie contributi relativi a temi e problemi del cristianesimo antico. Con esso si realizza un progetto, formulato in anni lontani (1983) dallo stesso autore, che contemplava varie sezioni di cui l'ultima - "Christiana" comprendeva i saggi che costituiscono la prima metà del volume; a questi ne sono stati aggiunti altri, sulle medesime tematiche, che risalgono ad anni successivi. Precede i saggi un contributo di carattere metodologico ("Tipologia storica (...)
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  13. Voces mezcladas: una reflexión sobre tradición y modernidad.Juan Bosco Díaz-Urmeneta Muñoz - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:299-322.
    La oposición entre dos grupos de valores, como nos muestran determinantes casos del mapa geopolítico actual, sugiere los límites de las expectativas modernizadoras tanto del viejo imperialismo como de sus opositores: los nuevos pueblos parecen tan reacios a la administración racional colonial como a la autóctona, y exigen formas de dirección y encuadramiento acordes con la propia cultura. Todo ello parece abrir de nuevo el problema de la tradición, ante el cual, desde la perspectiva de la cultura occidental, parece necesario (...)
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    Lo spettro di Blanco: una nota a Ugo Mattei.Michele Surdi - 2012 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 24 (46).
    By noting the end of the dualism between public and private law, between state and international law and between goods and services, the article comments and interprets Ugo Mattei’s doctrine about new forms of property. Cognitive transformations, both technological and social, do not prelude to a new and different juridical intermediation as guarantee of the communal regime of goods. These new forms of property, when confronted with the domain that private economic property continues to exercise, do not announce neither the (...)
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  15. Ugo Spirito e lo storicismo" vichiano" di W. Sombart.Giuseppe Acocella - 1996 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 26:185-204.
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    Nynfa Bosco e lo studio di Peirce.Giovanni Maddalena - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1).
    Nynfa Bosco (1929-2013) was an interesting, important and eccentric character in Italian post-World War II philosophy studies. She was one of the first women to successfully pursue a university career, capable of mastering several languages when few in Italy could decently speak one, and gifted with an agile and compelling writing style. Nynfa Bosco published in 1959 the first Italian monograph on Peirce and in 1977 a translation of some important articles of the founder of pragmatism. Despite the (...)
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    Il diritto naturale e il suo rapporto con la divinità in Ugo Grozio.Matija Berljak - 1978 - Roma: Università gregoriana.
    Nella problematica generale dei rapporti tra Dio e l'uomo rientra il problema del diritto naturale. Tale problema si e manifestato in modo particolare nel secolo XVII come dimostra lo studio di Ugo Grozio (1583-1645). L'attualita delle sue idee e vivo anche oggi sia in Italia che all'estero; Grozio e ricordato soprattutto dai giuristi, nonostante la sua attivita si sia svolta anche in altri campi come dimostra l'opera bibliografica di Meulen J. Ter e Diermanse. Molti studiosi elogiano le sue impostazioni giuridiche (...)
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    Cartas inéditas del Cardenal Spínola a los salesianos.Jesús Borrego Arruz - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (11):75-129.
    Es proverbial el orgullo que sentía el cardenal Marcelo Spínola por Don Bosco y su obra, la primera obra (1884) escrita en español sobre el santo sacerdote y educador de Turín. El inesperado hallazgo de cuarenta cartas dirigidas a los salesianos es una buena excusa para darlas a conocer, pues Spínola -como obispo de Coria y luego como arzobispo de Sevilla- las escribió para exponer con detalle los motivos de su profundo afecto a la Congregación Salesiana. La edición crítica (...)
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    La lógica del mundo.Fernando Montero Moliner - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (7):185-206.
    El dualismo es una solución religiosa que ha atraído a muchos espíritus religiosos, y que adquirió formas muy diversas en la Antigüedad. Para clasificar estas variedades religiosas , el historiador italiano Ugo Bianchi propuso un modelo interpretativo constituido por tres partes de categorías. Al aplicar al maniqueísmo (religión dualista por excelencia) las categorías interpretativas propuestas por Bianchi éstas muestran en algunos casos su utilidad, pero también sus limitaciones. El presente artículo intenta efectuar una caracterización precisa del dualismo maniqueo mediante la (...)
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    L'eredità di Giovanni Gentile nella filosofia italiana.Leonardo Manna - 2018 - Roma RM, Italia: Aracne editrice.
    Il volume offre una sintetica analisi dell’attualismo di Giovanni Gentile al fine di rilevare i dettagli fondamentali della sua posizione teoretica e di individuare gli elementi su cui si è strutturata la sua ricezione in Italia. La filosofia postattualista italiana è stata radicalmente influenzata dal filosofo siciliano e il suo sviluppo ha assunto le forme di un lungo dialogo con l’attualismo. Tra gli autori principali di questo dialogo figurano Ugo Spirito, Gustavo Bontadini e Andrea Emo in primis, oltre a Guido (...)
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    Lógica dualista, piedad monoteísta: la fisonomía del dualismo maniqueo.Fernando Bermejo Rubio - 2007 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 12:55-79.
    El dualismo es una solución religiosa que ha atraído a muchos espíritus religiosos, y que adquirió formas muy diversas en la Antigüedad. Para clasificar estas variedades religiosas , el historiador italiano Ugo Bianchi propuso un modelo interpretativo constituido por tres partes de categorías. Al aplicar al maniqueísmo (religión dualista por excelencia) las categorías interpretativas propuestas por Bianchi éstas muestran en algunos casos su utilidad, pero también sus limitaciones. El presente artículo intenta efectuar una caracterización precisa del dualismo maniqueo mediante la (...)
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    La investigación participativa: sus aportes a la extensión crítica.Humberto Tommasino & Marcelo Pérez Sánchez - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (1):1-21.
    En el presente trabajo se propone un estudio comparativo de las producciones de algunos referentes de la Investigación Participativa. Se revisan algunos de los textos de Orlando Fals Borda, Paulo Freire, João Bosco Guedes Pinto, Michel Thiollent, María Teresa Sirvent y Joel Martí. Este trabajo se inscribe en el proceso reciente de transformación universitaria en Uruguay, en particular, en una de sus iniciativas: la de la integración curricular de la extensión a través de lo que se ha denominado “prácticas (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften: Wörterbuch zu den philosophischen Fragen der Naturwissenschaften.Herbert Hörz, Rolf Löther & Siegfried Wollgast (eds.) - 1978 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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    "... Aquella fisonomía de sileno": Agonismo y piedad en la reflexión de Nietzsche en torno a Grecia.Remedios Avila Crespo - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 33 (12):91-118.
    El dualismo es una solución religiosa que ha atraído a muchos espíritus religiosos, y que adquirió formas muy diversas en la Antigüedad. Para clasificar estas variedades religiosas , el historiador italiano Ugo Bianchi propuso un modelo interpretativo constituido por tres partes de categorías. Al aplicar al maniqueísmo (religión dualista por excelencia) las categorías interpretativas propuestas por Bianchi éstas muestran en algunos casos su utilidad, pero también sus limitaciones. El presente artículo intenta efectuar una caracterización precisa del dualismo maniqueo mediante la (...)
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  25. Istorychna nauka i formuvanni︠a︡ svitohli︠a︡du li︠u︡dyny.Mykhaĭlo Klymovych Kovalʹ - 1963
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  26. Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History.Karl Löwith - 1949 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    To develop this theory, Karl Löwith—beginning with the more accessible philosophies of history in the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries and working back to the Bible—analyzes the writings of outstanding historians both in antiquity ...
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    Genezis i struktura na istoricheskoto sŭbitie = Genesis and structure of the historical event.Ivaĭlo Znepolski (ed.) - 2015 - Sofii︠a︡: Dom na naukite za choveka i obshtestvoto.
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    Stoic and Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Life.Imi Pui Yin Lo - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):96-123.
    This study explores the convergence and disparities between The Dhammapada, a classic Buddhist text, and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, aiming to synthesize their social and ethical doctrines as practical life directives. Over five months, the researcher meticulously analyzed the texts, elucidating core arguments and linguistic nuances. Three main sections delineate shared principles, integrated teachings for ethical living, and theoretical distinctions. It emerges that Buddhism and Stoicism harbor congruent tenets, offering pertinent guidance for contemporary life when harmonized.
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    (2 other versions)Nietzsches philosophie der ewigen wiederkunft des gleichen.Karl Löwith - 1935 - Berlin,: Verlag Die Runde.
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    La mitad del mundo: ética y crítica feminista.López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa - 2004 - [Salamanca]: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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  31. El hombre como problema y misterio: apuntes sobre antropología filosófica desde una perspectiva cristiana.Sara López Escalona - 1984 - La Florida, Stgo., Chile: Ediciones Paulinas.
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  32. El sujeto del derecho.Nicolás López Rodriguez Gómez - 1900 - Valladolid,: Imp. y lib. J.M. de la Cuesta.
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  33. v. 1. De Séneca a Suárez.Antonio M. López Molina, Alfonso Maestre Sánchez & Sebastià Trías Mercant - 2002 - In Manuel Maceiras Fafián, López Molina, M. Antonio, Alfonso Maestre Sánchez, Sebastià Trias Mercant & José Luis Abellán (eds.), Pensamiento filosófico español. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
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    Entre presuposición óntica e inocencia metafísica: las raíces filosóficas de la cuantificación.Vincenzo P. Lo Monaco - 1991 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Eduación, Publicaciones del Instituto de Filosofía.
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    The Italian Version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems : Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure in Clinical and Non-clinical Groups.Gianluca Lo Coco, Giuseppe Mannino, Laura Salerno, Veronica Oieni, Carla Di Fratello, Gabriele Profita & Salvatore Gullo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La psiquiatría de hoy.López-Ibor Aliño & J. J. - 1975 - Barcelona: Toray.
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    Expanding the Clinical Definition of Infertility to Include Socially Infertile Individuals and Couples.Weei Lo & Lisa Campo-Engelstein - 2018 - In Lisa Campo-Engelstein & Paul Burcher (eds.), Reproductive Ethics Ii: New Ideas and Innovations. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-83.
    In the United States, single individuals and LGBTQ couples who wish to conceive biological children are considered to be “socially infertile” due to their relationship status. Due to the high cost of infertility treatments and inadequate insurance coverage, the socially infertile has minimal access to assisted reproductive technology. Under the current medical definitions of infertility, even in states with infertility insurance mandates, only heterosexual couples with physiological infertility are covered for ART. It is well documented that infertility interferes with many (...)
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    Democratic Confederalism: An Alternative for Facing Tensions Between Global Citizenship and Localist Citizenship.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat & Tatiana Lozano Ortega - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    This article explores the tensions between different conceptions of “citizenship.” On the one hand, we point out the virtues and limitations of cosmopolitan citizenship in the terms in which Seyla Benhabib understands it in The Right of Others…; on the other hand, we delve into another notion of citizenship, namely, the localist, in a version that could be at odds with some cosmopolitan values, that is, localism as understood by some Mexican autonomous communities, particularly the Zapatistas. Although Benhabib’s cosmopolitan federalism (...)
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  39. On the (im)possibility of identifying the evidence base of the impact of star architecture projects.Nadia Alaily-Mattar, Martina Löw & Alain Thierstein - 2022 - In Sarah Ehlers & Stefan Esselborn (eds.), Evidence in action between science and society: constructing, validating and contesting knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    All Bad Things Come in Threes? On FUL and Its Contradictions – Comments on Walschots’s Response to Kleingeld.Stefano Lo Re - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):499-504.
    These comments raise two main points based on Walschots’s response to Kleingeld’s ‘volitional’ interpretation of the contradiction involved in Kant’s Formula of Universal Law. The first concerns Walschots’s claim that, contrary to Kleingeld’s own account, her interpretation must in fact assume at least one essential purpose of the will, namely happiness. While Walschots characterises happiness as a necessary end of all rational beings, I clarify on textual grounds that, for Kant, happiness can be safely assumed as an actual end of (...)
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  41. Hermeneutical Injustice and Child Victims of Abuse.Arlene Lo - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (3):364-377.
    This article analyses how child victims of abuse may be subjected to hermeneutical injustice. I start by explaining how child victims are hermeneutically marginalised by adults’ social and epistemic authority, and the stigma around child abuse. In understanding their abuse, I highlight two epistemic obstacles child victims may face: (i) lack of access to concepts of child abuse, thereby causing victims not to know what abuse is; and (ii) myths of child abuse causing misunderstandings of abuse. When these epistemic obstacles (...)
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    Tagasi mõteldes: töid filosoofia ajaloost Eestis.Ülo Matjus & Jaanus Sooväli (eds.) - 2016 - [Tartu]: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
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  43. Remarks on the Epistemic Interpretation of Paraconsistent Logic.Nicolás Lo Guercio & Damian Szmuc - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (1):153-170.
    In a recent work, Walter Carnielli and Abilio Rodrigues present an epistemically motivated interpretation of paraconsistent logic. In their view, when there is conflicting evidence with regard to a proposition A (i.e. when there is both evidence in favor of A and evidence in favor of ¬A) both A and ¬A should be accepted without thereby accepting any proposition B whatsoever. Hence, reasoning within their system intends to mirror, and thus, should be constrained by, the way in which we reason (...)
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    The paradoxical transparency of opaque machine learning.Felix Tun Han Lo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    This paper examines the paradoxical transparency involved in training machine-learning models. Existing literature typically critiques the opacity of machine-learning models such as neural networks or collaborative filtering, a type of critique that parallels the black-box critique in technology studies. Accordingly, people in power may leverage the models’ opacity to justify a biased result without subjecting the technical operations to public scrutiny, in what Dan McQuillan metaphorically depicts as an “algorithmic state of exception”. This paper attempts to differentiate the black-box abstraction (...)
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  45. The Symmetry Regained.Tien-Chun Lo - 2024 - Analysis 84 (1):42-46.
    Collin (2022) attempts to break the symmetry between the modal ontological argument for the existence of God and the reverse modal ontological argument against the existence of God by drawing on some Kripkean lessons about a posteriori necessity. He argues that there is an undercutting defeater for taking God’s non-existence to be possible. In this paper, I reply that taking the Kripkean considerations about a posteriori necessity into account does not help break the symmetry. For we can argue in a (...)
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  46. Student Engagement in Mathematics Flipped Classrooms: Implications of Journal Publications From 2011 to 2020.Chung Kwan Lo & Khe Foon Hew - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mathematics is one of the core STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subject disciplines. Engaging students in learning mathematics helps retain students in STEM fields and thus contributes to the sustainable development of society. To increase student engagement, some mathematics instructors have redesigned their courses using the flipped classroom approach. In this review, we examined the results of comparative studies published between 2011 and 2020 to summarize the effects of this instructional approach (vs. traditional lecturing) on students’ behavioral, emotional, and (...)
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  47. Doctrina de Santo Tomás sobre la verdad.Jesús García López - 1967 - Pamplona,: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Thomas.
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    Estudios de metafísica tomista.Jesús García López - 1976 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    El príncipe, de Maquiavelo.Jorge García López - 2004 - Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
  50. Cuestiones Gnoseológicas Sobre la Delimitación Del Objeto Del Proceso Penal.Francisco López Ruiz - 2018 - In Gregorio Robles & Lilliana Ortiz Bolaños (eds.), Epistemología y teoría del derecho. Santiago de Cali: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
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